After its Chinese launch, OnePlus is gearing up to launch its OnePlus 13 lineup globally. The series will include to smartphones: the flagship OnePlus 13 and its more affordable brother- the OnePlus 13R. Thanks to the Chinese launch and the rumours and leaks surfacing online, we know most of what to expect from both of these smartphones. If you have your eyes on these two and are confused about which one you should go for when they are available, then here are 10 major differences between OnePlus 13 and OnePlus 13R that will help you decide better.
On the design front, the OnePlus 13 can carry a circular camera housing with Hasselblad branding, while the 13R can get a square-ish module. Both are expected to feature aluminum and glass, though the 13R might opt for plastic in some variants to cut costs.
OnePlus 13 can feature a bigger 6.82-inch OLED display while the 13R can feature a slightly smaller 6.7-inch OLED display. Adding to that, the OnePlus 13 can sport a slightly curved display, whereas the 13R could come with a flat screen for practicality.
With the OnePlus 13, we might get to see a faux leather back option. The OnePlus 13R can skip on this.
The OnePlus 13’s triple-camera system includes a periscope telephoto lens, while the 13R might downgrade to a macro sensor. The OnePlus 13 is expected to have all three 50-megapixel sensors, while the OnePlus 13R can have just a 50MP main camera.
Both phones could share a 6,000mAh silicon-carbon battery, with 100W wired and 50W wireless charging support.
OnePlus 13 can be powered by the latest Snapdragon 8 Elite chipset. However, the OnePlus 13R can get the last generation’s Snapdragon 8 Gen 3 chip.
AI features will likely appear in both devices. However, certain features can be limited to the OnePlus 13 and to some regions.
Both models are expected to launch with OxygenOS 15 based on Android 15.
The 13R could be lighter, as it won’t have certain features like the periscope zoom system.
The OnePlus 13 will be the premium pick with a heavier price tag, while the 13R will deliver flagship-level performance at a more affordable price.