Nvidia’s Project Logan could bring PC-level graphics to mobile devices

Nvidia’s Project Logan could bring PC-level graphics to mobile devices

Nvidia claims new processor will beat all existing mobile GPUs in terms of graphics performance while reducing power consumption.

Nvidia has revealed that its upcoming mobile processor, branded Project Logan, will sport a GPU based on the same Kepler architecture as its graphics lineup for PCs and laptops. Nvidia claims that this mobile GPU will surpass the performance of current-gen consoles (the Sony Playstation 3 and the Xbox 360) and the graphics capabilities of smartphones and tablets available today.

In a blog post, Nvidia explains that in order to make its new processor ready for mobiles, it pared down the power requirements while maintaining the performance. Nvidia claims that as a result, the Project Logan processor uses less than 1/3 power of the iPad 4’s GPU while engaged in the same operation and also leaves room for higher clock speeds and better performance. According to Nvidia, the new processor supports the latest OpenGL standards and DirectX 11.

Nvidia has also released some impressive videos showing off the graphics processing capabilities of its new processor, including the ‘Ira’ demo that was used to demonstrate the performance of the GTX Titan, its top-end desktop GPU. You can check these videos out below:

The Logan processor running the Ira demo.

The Logan processor running Nvidia’s ‘Island’ demo.

Source: Nvidia Blog

Nikhil Pradhan

Nikhil Pradhan

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