Nubia has launched its Red Magic gaming smartphone in India and as expected, it is now available on Amazon for a price of Rs 29,999. The smartphone comes with an Air Convection Cooling System that is said to dissipate the heat to keep it cool during intense gaming sessions. The company made the announcement on its official India Twitter handle. Until now, the phone was only available in China, and with the India launch, Nubia is looking to tap into the high-end smartphone segment which is currently led by OnePlus.
The Nubia Red Magic gaming smartphone is powered by last year's Qualcomm Snapdragon 835 processor coupled with 8GB of LPDDR4X RAM and dual-lane 128GB UFS 2.1 storage. It has a 5.99-inch LTPS TFT capacitive display offering a resolution of 1080 x 2160 pixels, an aspect ratio of 18:9 and an 85 percent screen-to-body ratio. The dual-SIM device runs a stock version of Android 8.1 Oreo and is backed by a 3,800mAh battery that supports the company’s fast charging capabilities and NeoPower 3.0 power saving feature.
When it comes to the camera, the Nubia Red Magic features a single 24MP camera with an LED flash on the back that has a 0.9-micron pixel size and f/1.7 aperture. On the front, it comes with an 8MP shooter with 1.12-micron pixel size and f/2.0 aperture. The rear camera is capable of capturing 4K videos at 30fps, while the front camera supports 1080p Full HD video recording at 30fps. The phone has a rear-mounted hexagonal fingerprint sensor.
The smartphone has a dedicated performance boost button, which is claimed to come with 128 custom optimisations and one slide is said to push the smartphone to deliver extra processing power to provide higher frame rates and improved graphic capabilities. The button also disables incoming calls, messages, and other notifications. Technically, this feature is similar to OnePlus’ Gaming mode.
One of the highlights of the Red Magic is the air-cooling technology with advanced thermal modelling techniques, which comprise of three layers of graphite lamination technology and three grill vents regulate the temperature. The phone sports nine air radiation slots, and RGB lighting. The Red Magic also uses next-gen Active Noise Cancellation (ANC), Dirac HD Sound, an integrated DTS Technology and a Smart Amplifier system for clarity and enhanced bass.
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