Nokia Ovi Store lets anyone create apps in 4 simple steps, with Ovi App Wizard

Updated on 04-May-2010

Trying to catch up with the bulging Apple App Store and the fast-growing Android Market, Nokia has innovatively (but perhaps not very wisely) opened the doors of its Ovi Store to the general populace, allowing them to create applications with RSS or Atom feeds, and without requiring them to have any programming knowledge, or pay a paisa.

Called the Ovi App Wizard, it lets the layman, or someone simply with less time on their hands, cook up simple applications in four simple steps, from putting in your content (choice of up to three RSS or Atom feeds), inserting your design and logos, agreeing to various content guidelines, and then publishing it.

Took no more than a few minutes to pull this off

It apparently takes just 24 hours for the application to show up on the in the Ovi Store, during which time it will be approved by Nokia. You also have the great option of placing third party advertisements, but only if you prove you own the content in your application.

So! Go ahead, create your own app in a few clicks, and let the world know what you or your company is doing with content!

Abhinav Lal

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