HMD Global has confirmed that the Nokia 5.1 Plus smartphone will be made available offline from January 15 in India. The information was earlier reported by NokiaPowerUser which also correctly reported that the company will knock off Rs 400 from the handset's price. The Nokia 5.1 Plus will be sold offline at a discounted price of Rs 10,599, down from its current pricing of Rs 10,999. Airtel customers will receive Rs 2,000 instant cashback and 240GB data over 12 months on plans of Rs 199, Rs 249 and Rs 448 with the purchase of the Nokia 5.1 Plus. Additionally, NPU also spotted that the Nokia 3.1 Plus is receiving a discount of Rs 1,500 and will now be sold for Rs 9,999, instead of Rs 11,499. We checked the scoop and the Nokia 3.1 Plus is indeed selling at the reduced pricing on Flipkart, but not on the company’s official online store.
The Nokia 5.1 Plus features a 5.86-inch HD+ display with an 84 percent screen-to-body ratio and 19:9 aspect ratio. The phone runs on a MediaTek Helio P60 chipset with 3GB RAM, and 32GB of onboard storage, with an option to expand it up to 256GB via microSD card. On the back, the phone is equipped with a dual-rear camera setup that features 13MP + 5MP lenses with an f/2.0 aperture. On the front is an 8MP unit with f/2.2 aperture and 80.4-degree angle of view. The dual-SIM smartphone is backed by a 3060 mAh battery and was recently updated with Android 9 Pie.
The Nokia 3.1 Plus sports a 6-inch HD+ display with an 18:9 aspect ratio and runs on the MediaTek Helio P22 SoC with 3GB RAM, and 32GB of internal storage. It is powered by a 3,500mAh battery and runs on Android 8.0 Oreo. In terms of optics, the handset features dual-cameras on the back with a 13MP primary sensor, and a 5MP secondary depth sensor. On the front is an 8MP selfie camera that supports AI enabled bokeh mode as well.
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