Motorola, now owned by Google, is reportedly working on a budget version of its Moto X smartphone. Dubbed the Moto G, the new Motorola smartphone has made an appearance on the web ahead of official announcement. An alleged image as well as specs are doing the rounds on Twitter, courtesy @evleaks.
According to reports, the Moto G will run a Qualcomm Snapdragon S4 Pro SoC with 1.5GHz quad-core processor. The smartphone is expected to have a 4.7-inch 720p unit. Other expected specifications include an 8 MP camera, 8 or 16GB of built-in memory, and an LG-made 1,950mAh battery.
New set of information about the Moto G comes shortly after the smartphone inadvertently appeared alongside the Moto X on Motorola’s homepage. The link was removed shortly after.