New BlackBerry 6 teaser video released, OS launch delayed

Updated on 15-Jul-2010

After revving for sometime now [vid], BlackBerry has further delayed the launch of its new operation system, BlackBerry OS 6.0. The forecasting indicated new devices may launch as early as June 2010, but so far no BlackBerry 6 platformed devices have seen the light of the day.

For the promotional purpose and to keep the hype up, an ‘official’ teaser video has been released by RIM (Research in Motion) featuring the newest aspects of BlackBerry 6 platform. From the video we see, the user interface has been revamped, what they call a Fluid Interface, along with the new enhanced Media Interface. The pinching and zooming facility from the touch UI is a must have nowadays, and thus it will be there.

For today’s social networking needs, the Simultaneous Posting feature may come in handy, that can post on several social networking platforms at once! The Social Feeds will let you keep track on your favourite website updates, which is pretty useful and comes with easy to manage interface. The default messenger for BlackBerry devices, i.e. the Blackberry Messenger, is also being blessed with many new features, and has become an attractive as well as functional instant messaging environment.

Apart from social networking, BlackBerry 6 features an enriched web-browsing experience, with a web browser that has the grace of WebKit rendering support. And last but not the least, the Universal Search feature (pretty much alike the Windows 7 start menu search) will really bring all the aspects of the devices a lot more closer, to find and to use.

We have drooled enough, RIM; now give it to us for real already.

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