Mozilla announces easy browser syncing for iPhone users with Firefox Home app

Updated on 04-Jun-2010

Where cross-platform integration is the holy grail for all mobile browsers, Mozilla has decided to release an iPhone app called Firefox Home, which will allow users of the popular (but third-party crippled) smartphone to sync their phone’s browsing history, bookmarks, and currently open tabs with their desktop, as well as get access to the Awesome Bar and its easy favourite finding functionality.

Apparently part of an effort to provide a more personalized browsing experience to mobile phone users whose devices do not support Firefox’s “full” browser capabilities because of various policy restrictions (like the iPhone) or lack of software support.

The syncing ability will allow users to pick up work (or their browsing experience) right where they left off on their desktop, and access to their desktop ‘favourited’ pages via the Awesome Bar.


Abhinav Lal

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