Motorola unveiled its Moto Razr 50 series in India a couple of months back and it was well received. And now it seems that the company is gearing up to unveil the successor to the Razr 50 Ultra in India, the Motorola Razr 60 Ultra. According to a report by 91Mobiles, the smartphone has been spotted on the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) website. The spotting means that Motorola can soon reveal the device in the Indian market.
The listing reveals the model number XT2551 and it goes by the codename Orion. This is in sync with how Motorola has named its previous devices. If 2024’s timeline is considered, then the Motorola Razr 60 Ultra should be launched in the second half of 2025. While we don’t know a lot about the Razr 60 Ultra as of now, it is expected to be powered by Qualcomm’s upcoming Snapdragon 8s Elite chipset. As for the other specs, we can expect most of them to be upgraded from the last-generation flip phone from Motorola.
Until then, let’s take a look at what the Motorola Razr 50 Ultra has to offer.
The Razr 50 Ultra packs a 6.9-inch full-HD+ LTPO pOLED inner display boasting a 165Hz refresh rate and HDR10+ support. It also sported a bigger 4-inch cover screen and was powered by the Snapdragon 8s Gen 3 chipset, paired with up to 12GB of RAM and 512GB of UFS 4.0 storage.
On the camera front, it had a 50-megapixel primary sensor with OIS and a 50-megapixel telephoto lens with 2x optical zoom, It also housed a 32-megapixel camera on the inner display. It packs a 4,000mAh battery with 45W fast charging and wireless charging options.