Motorola unveiled the Razr 50 Ultra in India a couple of months back. It was an impressive flip smartphone from the company. But looks like we have another flip coming from the company, the Motorola Razr 50. It will have some differences if we compare it to the more expensive Razr 50 Ultra. The Razr 50 has already been launched in China, which means that we know what the clamshell smartphone will look like. Let me tell you more about it.
Also read: Motorola Razr 50 Ultra Review: Flippin’ cool
Design-wise, you will get to see rounded sides as compared to the sharper edges of the Razr 50 Ultra. It will also have a front band above the cover screen. Also, the cover display will be larger on the Razr 50. It will have a larger 3.6-inch pOLED display. The previous models had a 1.5-inch strip. This will offer a 90Hz refresh rate.
In addition to this, the Razr 50 comes with an IPX8 rating, offering better water resistance compared to the Razr 50 Ultra. Just like the Razr 50 Ultra, the upcoming Moto Razr 50 will also allow users to use the primary cameras for selfies, but with the added benefit of the improved cover screen. Users will be able to capture higher-quality pictures.
Further, on the battery front, the Razr 50 is packed with a 4,200mAh battery, larger than what’s typically found in foldable phones. It will also support 30W wired and 15W wireless charging.
All these upgrades make the Motorola Razr 50 not just a more affordable alternative to the Razr 50 Ultra, but a compelling choice with its own set of premium features, delivering a high-end experience without the ultra-premium price tag.
Let’s see when Motorola drops the Razr 50 in India. The information that we mentioned above is on the basis of the Chinese model.