Motorola recently launched its new Moto One Vision smartphone in India, which will go on sale today. The new handset by the company is a mid-range handset that runs on the Exynos 9609 processor and it goes up against the likes of the Samsung Galaxy M40 and the Redmi Note 7 Pro. Highlights of the phone include a hole-punch display design, which houses a selfie camera and a 21:9 display aspect ratio. The smartphone will be available for purchase via Flipkart at 12 PM today and the company also has some launch offers to entice buyers.
The Motorola One Vision comes equipped with a 6.3-inch LTPS IPS LCD panel that offers a 1080 x 2520p resolution. It is protected by Corning Gorilla Glass and has an 82.5 percent screen-to-body ratio. As mentioned earlier, the handset sports a 21:9 ratio CinemaVision screen that we’ve already seen on the Sony Xperia 1 and Xperia 10 Plus. However, the Motorola One Vision has an LCD panel, whereas Sony’s offerings sport an OLED display. Powered by the Samsung Exynos 9609 processor, the handset comes in only one variant with 4GB RAM and 128GB of internal storage.
The Motorola One Vision sports a glass rear panel that sports a fingerprint sensor incorporated into the company’s batwing logo. It also supports Face Unlock. In terms of optics, the device sports dual-cameras on the back where the primary sensor is a 48MP sensor with 1.6um pixel pitch and an f/1.7 aperture lens. It is a 1/2.25-inch quad-pixel sensor uses pixel binning to bin four pixels into one large pixel for better images. There’s also a 5MP secondary depth-sensor. On the front is a 25MP sensor with the same quad-pixel technology as the primary rear camera.
The handset also gets a 3.5mm headphone jack and a Type-C port for charging. The Android One phone runs on Android 9 Pie OS and is backed by a 3500mAh battery with 15W fast charging support.
The Motorola One Vision (first-impressions) comes in only one variant with 4GB RAM and 128GB of internal storage. It is priced at Rs 19,999 and will be available for purchase at 12 PM today via Flipkart. It was announced in Bronze Gradient and Sapphire Gradient colour models but only the latter colour variant will be available today.
For launch offers, those who purchase the phone between June 27 to July 4 can avail a no-cost EMI scheme for six months on all credit and debit cards. In addition, Vodafone Idea subscribers can get up to Rs 3,750 cashback and additional data up to 250 GB with the handset.