Motorola has unveiled the Motorola One Hyper at an event in Brazil. The Motorola One Hyper is the company’s first smartphone with a pop-up camera module. Moreover, it features a 64MP primary rear camera setup. As of now, we have seen 64MP camera smartphones from Realme, Xiaomi and Samsung. It also has the highest resolution selfie cam on a Motorola phone as it sports a 32MP selfie shooter. Further, it supports 45W fast charging that is said to charge the smartphone from 0 to 42 percent in 10 minutes.
Motorola One Hyper features a 6.5-inch 1080 x 2340 LCD screen with 395 pixels per inch. The display sports a 19:9 aspect ratio. It is powered by the Qualcomm Snapdragon 675 chipset, paired with 4GB RAM and 128GB of internal storage. It also has a microSD card slot for storage expansion. The smartphone runs Android 10 out of the box.
On the optics front, the Motorola One Hyper has a dual rear camera setup with a 64MP primary camera + an 8MP wide-angle lens with 118 degrees field of view. It comes with a 32MP quad pixel selfie shooter. The smartphone packs a 4000mAh battery that supports 45W fast charging. However, it ships with an 18W charger in the box. It also comes with a fingerprint sensor at the rear.
The Motorola One Hyper comes in Blue, Red and Purple colour options. It weighs 200 grams. The smartphone is priced at $400 (approx Rs 28,000). However, there is no word on the India launch yet. Hence, the Motorola One Hyper's price in India hasn’t been unveiled either.