Motorola Charm, the Android 2.1 based QWERTY candy bar phone, is now official

Motorola Charm, the Android 2.1 based QWERTY candy bar phone, is now official

The rumoured Motorola Charm we saw little over a week ago is now official, and will be released some time this American Summer, on the US mobile carrier T-Mobile. Pricing details are not yet known, but such features as a 2.8-inch capacitive touch screen, QWERTY keyboard, 3MP Kodak-branded camera, WiFi, noise cancellation microphone, and the Android 2.1 OS have been confirmed. Such a phone would do very well in India, where the craze of QWERTY keyboards is fast catching on, and simplicity of the MotoBlur interface and Android 2.1 will be relished by all.

Abhinav Lal

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