More leaked images of low-cost iPhone 5C turn up online

Updated on 08-Aug-2013

New leaked images show iPhone 5C with no physical buttons for volume or setting the phone to silent.

For a smartphone that’s not yet been confirmed, and exists solely in rumours and speculation, the iPhone 5C or the ‘low-cost iPhone’ sure has been the subject of a phenomenal number of leaks. This time around, a whole bunch of hi-res images claiming to depict the back panel of the iPhone 5C have turned up online, and there are still strong reasons to doubt if the phone in those images is even real.

If the leaked images are to be believed, the iPhone 5C will have a plastic back but will look very much like the iPhone 5 except for more curved edges. However, the images also show that the iPhone 5C won’t get the physical volume buttons or even the physical button to set the phone to silent, features that have been permanent fixtures on the iPhone since the beginning of the human race. For these reasons alone, we have trouble believing the veracity of these images just like the folks over at GSM Arena. Phone Arena speculates that the iPhone 5C will cost around $490 (Rs. 30,000 approx.) and that hardly meets the qualifications of being branded ‘low-cost’. Previous rumours have put the iPhone 5C’s price at $99 (Rs. 6,000) under contract and anywhere between $300 (Rs. 18,300 approx.) and $400 (Rs. 24,400 approx.).

Take a look at some of the latest leaked images and decide whether the phone could actually be the iPhone 5C:

Source: Phone Arena via GSM Arena

Nikhil Pradhan

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