The Microsoft Surface Pro 4 will be launched in India on January 7. The company just sent out invites to the media for the same. Although the invite doesn’t explicitly mention the Surface Pro 4 tablet, the tagline “Start fresh on a brand new Surface” seems clear enough that it is the Surface tablet. This will mark the first time that Microsoft has brought the product to India, signalling the fact that the company is taking the country much more seriously. The Microsoft Surface Book laptop, on the other hand, is still not expected in the country this year.
The Microsft Surface Pro 4 was announced overseas, amidst much fanfare, some months ago, alongside the company’s new Lumia smartphones and the Surface Book laptop. While Microsoft launched the new Lumia 950 and Lumia 950XL smartphones in India recently, it had earlier announced that the Surface Pro 4 would be launched in January 2016. The tablet is amongst Microsoft’s most successful products, having been one of the favourites for enterprise customers overseas.
The Surface Pro 4 runs on Intel’s Core i7 processor for the top-end model, while the lower versions come with m3 and i5 processors. It is capable of carrying 16GB of RAM and 1TB of storage and has a USB 3.0 port. The Surface Pro 4 is also only 8.4 mm thick and has a 12.3 inch display with 267 ppi pixel density.
While no official pricing has been announced in India yet, you could reasonably expect a pricing well over Rs. 50,000 for the Surface Pro 4. The device is starts at $899 (approx. Rs. 58,500) in the United States.