Soon after Qualcomm's announcement of the Snapdragon 855 platform, MediaTek has unveiled its Helio M70 5G Baseband chipset at the China Mobile Global Partner Conference in Guangzhou. The chip was initially announced mid-2018 in the domestic market, but is now available globaly and is said to start shipping in the second half of 2019. The Helio M70 is among the industry’s first wave of 5G multi-mode integrated baseband chipsets. A list that also includes the Qualcomm X50 5G Modem. The MediaTek Helio M70 is a multimode chipset that comes with 2G/3G/4G/5G-enabled support. Along with the standalone (SA) and non-standalone (NSA) network architectures. It also supports 5G radio (NR), sub-6GHz frequency band, high power user equipment (HPUE), and other 5G technologies.
MediaTek Helio M70 is 3GPP Rel-15 new specifications compliant with 5Gbps data rate and supports 5G dual connectivity (EN-DC) and LTE. “MediaTek is committed to promoting the adoption of the latest technologies. With the commercialization of the first 5G baseband chipset, Helio M70, consumers will be able to enjoy the exciting 5G experience from a mature and complete solution,” said TL Lee, General Manager of MediaTek Wireless Communications Division. “In the future, 5G and AI application areas will continue to grow, enhancing the connected experience for users in areas such as mobile phones or smart living.”
The MediaTek chip features a multi-mode solution, which is said to simplify the design of 5G devices with a “comprehensive” power management plan. This is said to enable device manufacturers to design mobile devices with improved energy-efficiency and smaller form factor.
As mentioned before, Qualcomm has aready announced its latest newest flagship chipset, the Snapdragon 855. The new chipset is said to deliver a 45 percent performance improvement over its predecessor, the Snapdragon 845. OnePlus CEO Pete Lau also announced that the company’s upcoming phone will be the first to equip the Snapdragon 855. Possibly called the OnePlus 7, it will be powered by the 5G-variant of the Snapdragon 855, which will be paired with Qualcomm’s X50 modem along with the mmWave and sub-6 GHz antenna module to deliver 5G connectivity in select markets like Europe and UK. You can read more about Snapdragon 855 here and what OnePlus plans for the 5G future here.