LG has officially launched its G3 Beat smartphone in India for Rs. 25,000. The new LG smartphone runs Android 4.4.2 KitKat and is powered by a 1.2GHz quad-core Qualcomm Snapdragon 400 processor along with 1GB of RAM.
Announced in July this year, LG's new G3 Beat is considered to be a mid-range version of the flagship G3. The G3 Beat features a 5-inch 720p display. It has 8MP rear camera and 1.3MP front-facing camera.
Connectivity options include Wi-Fi b/g/n, Bluetooth 4.0, A-GPS/Glonass, NFC, USB 2.0, 4G LTE / HSPA+ 21Mbps (3G). The smartphone is powered by a 2,540mAh battery. Other important features of the G3 Beat include Laser Auto Focus , Touch & Shoot, Gesture Shot, Smart Keyboard and QuickMemo+.
The new LG smartphone will be competing against several mid-range phones in India such as the recently introduced Moto X and the Samsung Galaxy S5 mini and HTC Desire 601.