After launching the first phone with the Snapdragon 855 chipset in China – Lenovo Z5 Pro GT – the company is now reportedly planning to showcase the Lenovo Z6 Pro at MWC in Barcelona. The information has reportedly been shared by Lenovo's VP Chang Cheng, who was transferred to the company’s Mobile Business Group last year for developing new products.
Unlike most smartphone launches at MWC, the Lenovo Z6 Pro is not expected to receive a big show and tell at the event. Instead, a poster teasing the smartphone on Weibo suggests that it will be showcased on the Lenovo booth between February 25 – February 28, spanning the entire course of the event. Not much is known about the Lenovo Z6 Pro as of now, but going by specs of its predecessor, we expect it to house the Snapdragon 855 chipset. The device could also come with support for wireless charging, as hinted by the poster.
It could also be speculated that the Lenovo Z6 Pro is a global variant of the Z5 Pro GT, since the latter was a China-specific smartphone and never saw the day of light outside that country.
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