Lava has launched a new Android KitKat-based smartphone – Iris 460. Priced at Rs. 6,690, the Lava smartphone is powered by a 1.2GHz dual-core processor along with 1GB of RAM.
The Lava Iris 460 has a 4.5-inch display. It features 5MP rear camera and 0.3MP front-facing camera. The smartphone has 4GB of built-in storage and supports additional storage up to 32GB via microSD. For connectivity, the Iris 460 supports dual-SIM GPRS/ EDGE, 3G, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth and GPS. The 460 is powered by a 1650 mAh battery.
Lava recently launched a selfi-oriented smartphone called the Iris X5. Priced at Rs. 8799, the smartphone features a 5MP front-facing camera with BSI+ camera sensor, 84 degree wide angle lense and LED flash.
The Lava Iris X5 has a 5-inch 720p IPS display. It runs Android 4.4 KitKat and is powered by a 1.2 GHz quad-core processor along with 1GB of RAM. The smartphone has 8GB of ROM and supports microSD for additional space up to 32GB.