Reliance Jio shook the Indian telecom sector with its low-cost tariffs and additional data. It then went ahead to launch the JioPhone, which was its ‘smart’ feature phone that did quite well since Counterpoint reported that it topped the feature phone and the overall handset market in the country, in 2018. Later came the JioPhone 2, which was also a feature phone that packed the same hardware as its predecessor, except for the QWERTY keyboard. Now, a new report suggests that the company will announce the JioPhone 3 in June this year and it could be a smartphone with a large touchscreen display.
As per an anonymous Jio executive, the company will be announcing the JioPhone 3 with a 5-inch touchscreen display. The handset is also said to come equipped with 2GB RAM and 64GB of internal storage. If this turns out to be true, it will be a considerable jump from the 2.4-inch screen and 4GB storage its predecessors were announced with. Like the older JioPhones, one might get an expandable storage option with the new phone as well.
The JioPhone 3 might also get bumped up optics. It could sport a 5MP camera on the back and a 2MP sensor on the front. There is no information on what OS the upcoming JioPhone 3 might be launched with but with the limited memory of 2GB, it could run on either a full-fledged version of the KaiOS or on Google’s lightweight Android Go OS.
As per the report, if JioPhone 3 does come with the above-mentioned upgrades, it can be expected to cost a lot more than the original JioPhone or the JioPhone 2, which are priced at Rs 1500 and Rs 2,999 respectively. The JioPhone 3 is said to be priced around Rs 4,500, and Jio could again announce an exchange program like it did with the JioPhone 2 so that existing customers of its feature phone can upgrade to the newer version of the handset.
As for the launch date, the JioPhone 3 will reportedly launch in June, with pre-orders commencing in July and sales in August.
Related Reads:
Jio Phones top feature phone, overall handset Indian market in 2018: Counterpoint Research
Reliance Jio announces JioPhone 2 with horizontal display; WhatsApp, YouTube and Monsoon Hungama Offer announced for JioPhone