Recently, Qualcomm hosted its Snapdragon Summit in Hawaii, where many Chinese smartphone makers announced their next-gen flagship smartphones with the Snapdragon 8 Elite. iQOO is one of those smartphone brands, which is launching the iQOO 13 in China on October 30. However, in the latest development, the CEO of iQOO India, Nipun Marya has teased the iQOO 13 on his X (formerly Twitter) account. While Marya has confirmed that the iQOO 13 is coming to India very soon with the Snapdragon 8 Elite, the launch date is still a mystery.
However, we have gathered a lot of information on the iQOO 13, including the possible launch date and its specifications. To know all that, read along.
While the Chinese brand hasn’t confirmed anything on when the iQOO 13 will debut in India, a report recently surfaced on the internet gives a hint. This is a report by SmartPrix, which claims that the iQOO 13 will launch in India on December 4. However, you should take this as a pinch of salt because nothing has been confirmed by iQOO yet.
The iQOO 13 is confirmed to come with the Snapdragon 8 Elite chipset, which is the most powerful SoC for smartphones so far. This chip comes with two prime cores clocked at 4.32 GHz clock speed and six performance cores clocked at 3.53 GHz clock speed, which are quite impressive and powerful numbers.
Moreover, iQOO has also revealed that this upcoming flagship smartphone will come with a 6.82-inch 2K display with support of up to 144Hz refresh rate. The iQOO 13 is also expected to run on Android 15-based UI, although Google hasn’t announced the new software yet.
For photography, the iQOO 13 can sport a 50-megapixel main camera, a 50-megapixel ultrawide lens, and a 50-megapixel telephoto shooter with up to 2x optical zoom. For selfies, it can boast a 32-megapixel selfie shooter.
Lastly, the iQOO will have a massive 6,125mAh battery with support of up to 120-watt fast charging.