People who own Apple devices are often proud to a fault of owning one. For many owning an iPhone was a dream the minute details of it came out. It quite embarrassing then when you realize that the dream you just purchased falls flat on its face in a puddle of its own excrement when you try to compare it with even the simplest models of its competitor’s phones.
Over time they have tried to rectify those mistakes, and now with version 3.0 which was previewed a short while ago, they once again try to bring to the table, what should have been there in the first place. Here’s what they say we can expect them to remember to not forget to add:
Also included will be “a rich set of over 1,000 new APIs”. Surely a boon for iPhone programmers.
But really, how difficult is it to expect such simple things from a $200 device? When you have to sell your TV just to buy a new phone, you expect it to be at least a little entertaining.
This will come as a welcome update to many iPhone owners, who have probably been waiting for many of these things for quite long. It still seems like more of an attempt to bring the iPhone to parity with the current standards expected from smart phones; even now the only ‘killer’ feature of the iPhone is its multi-touch interface. Overall Apple is going in the right direction, some of these features are essential, and should have been there in the first place, but nonetheless better late than never, right?