iOS 7 may feature new look but development behind schedule

iOS 7 may feature new look but development behind schedule

Head of design, Jonathan Ive is pushing for a simpler, flatter iOS interface and MacOS X engineers have been pulled to work on the mobile OS.

Apple is reportedly working hard on the newest iteration of its iOS mobile operating system that will feature a new look and some big changes in terms of how it works. However, according to Apple blogger John Gruber, the development of iOS 7 is currently running behind schedule and Apple has asked its engineers working on MacOS X 10.9 to work on iOS 7 instead.

Rumours about a redesigned iOS have been floating around since the head of hardware design at Apple, Jonathan Ive, was made responsible for all design departments. The Wall Street Journal spoke to sources from Apple who said that Ive was pushing for a simpler, more ‘flat design’ for iOS. However, the source also said that the changes would ultimately be conservative in order to not throw off long-term iPhone users.

Sources within Apple have also revealed that there is increasing cooperation between the hardware design and the software design teams within Apple. The team responsible for the way the iPhone hardware looks are now being briefed more quickly and more frequently than earlier by the team responsible for the software. Also, Ive is reportedly more in touch with the iOS interface design team and has been sitting in on meetings about the iOS 7 UI.

Apple is expected to unveil iOS 7 for its iPhone and iPad lineup, this summer.

Sources: The Verge, Daring Fireball, The Wall Street Journal

Nikhil Pradhan

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