Amongst the hype around the OnePlus One and it not getting Cyanogen support in India, there has been a development. In reply to a tweet from an Indian fan OnePlus One co-founder Carl Pei, replied that Indian OnePlus One phones will be getting the CM12 update and it will be delivered via OTA.
The CM12S update is due to be released on or before 30th March. The update is based on Android Lollipop and will feature a lot of material design esthetics. All OnePlus One devices currently running CM11S would be eligible for the update and should be updated. As for OnePlus’s own ROM, the Oxygen OS will be available for download on or before March 27, 2015.
OnePlus has remained in deep waters since Cyanogen announced late last year that it won’t supporting One devices sold in India. Relatively, Yu Yureka the smartphone for which Cyanogen tied up with Micromax will probably be getting an Android Lollipop update on 26th March.