HTC is expected to take on the Samsung Galaxy Note II with the launch of its own 5-inch smartphone. Rumour mills on the Internet suggest that the device will have a 1920×1080-pixel true HD display, a 1.5GHz dual-core Qualcomm Snapdragon S4 processor, and an Adreno 320 GPU. It would also be safe to say that the device will run on Android 4.1 Jelly Bean and HTC may just show off a newer version of the Sense UI.
Samsung unveiled the Galaxy Note II at IFA 2012. The Galaxy Note II boasts of a 5.5-inch display and is powered by a 1.6GHz quad-core processor under the hood. The device runs on Android 4.1 Jelly Bean and boasts of a whopping 2GB of RAM just like the Galaxy Note 10.1. The Note II also has an 8MP rear facing camera and a 1.9MP front facing camera. The device comes with three storage options – 16/32/64GB.
September 19 may not be the best time for HTC to unveil the device, as it is right after the unveiling of the iPhone 5. Apple has confirmed that it is holding an event on September 12th and the sixth generation iPhone called the iPhone 5 is expected to be unveiled there.
HTC’s September 19 invite
But Apple is not the only one that wants the limelight before the beginning of the holiday season. We will also see a joint event by Microsoft and Nokia today, to unveil the Finnish giant’s first Windows Phone 8 devices. We have seen the first Windows Phone 8 device being unveiled by Samsung, at IFA 2012, where many other manufacturers showed off their Windows 8-based devices, ready to take on the tablet, laptop, and hybrid markets by the holiday season.
HTC entered the quad-core smartphone war in India back in April, with the launch of the HTC One X. You can read our review of the device here.
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