HTC confirms that the One will get Android 4.3 update

HTC confirms that the One will get Android 4.3 update

HTC's president, Jason Mackenzie gave this info via his Twitter account, in response to a user query.

In what is surely great news for HTC One owners, the company has confirmed that the flagship Android smartphone will get the Android 4.3 update. This was in response to a Twitter user query to Jason MacKenzie, president, HTC, regarding the fragmentation of the entire HTC One lineup, specifically in the U.S. Operator specific versions.

JasonMacHTC said, “we definitely care and want you to have great experience. 2.2 is minor update so decided to go straight to 4.3.”. This was in response to the query posted by @jmwein, asking “How is it possible that the Verizon One will launch with 4.2.2 when us Dev Edition buyers are still stuck on 4.1!? Frustrating!”

To be specific, some HTC phones in the U.S., and indeed globally, are running Android 4.1, Android 4.2.2 and the newer Google Edition runs Android 4.3 out of the box. MacKenzie calls Android 4.2.2 a “minor update” and says that the Dev Edition of the HTC One will jump straight to Android 4.3, and this will be true for the International unlocked version of the smartphone as well. The fact that users can hope is with regards to this statement “because 4.3 is so close. And 2.2 offered limited customer benefit.”

HTC One Google Edition was launched with Android 4.3, but the other version still run either Android 4.1 or Android 4.2.2

However, no timelines have been specified regarding when the update will roll out, and which operators will get the update first.

You can read the full Twitter conversation here 


Vishal Mathur

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