After months of rumors and speculations, Honor has launched the Honor 5X smartphone in India. The device is priced in the mid-range, at Rs. 12,999. The Chinese company also launched the Honor Holly 2 Plus smartphone alongside the 5X, at a price of Rs. 8,499. While the Honor 5X was launched in China in October last year, the Honor Holly 2 Plus seems to be a India-first device.
The Honor 5X is the new sub-15k budget phone, which carries an all metal design. The phone features a 5.5-inch Full-HD display with 1920 x 1080p resolution. This puts the pixel density at 441 ppi. The screen to body ratio of the phone is 72.2% and it is powered by a Qualcomm Snapdragon 616 SoC. While the SoC has been widely used in the mid-ranged segment, many users have also had issues with it. The Honor 5X combines the Snapdragon 616 with 2GB of RAM and 16GB of on-board storage and also supports external memory of upto 128GB.
On the camera front, the Honor 5X has a 13MP rear camera, with a f/2.0 aperture and supports autofocus and dual-tone LED flash. There is a 5MP front-facing camera, with a f/2.4 aperture. The Honor 5X is dual-SIM smartphone and supports 4G LTE connectivity. Below the rear camera, the phone also has a fingerprint sensor. It is powered by a 3000mAh battery, which Honor claims will last you a full day.
The Honor Holly 2 Plus on the other hand, is a budget device. It is the successor to the Honor Holly smartphone that was launched last year. The phone features a 5-inch HD display and is powered by a Mediatek MT6735P SoC. This is a 1.3GHz system on chip, also used in the Meizu M2 and the Coolpad Note 3 Lite. The Holly 2 Plus also has 2GB of RAM and 16GB of internal storage, which can be further expanded using a micro-SD card. At the back, the phone features a 13MP camera and there is a 5MP camera on the front. The USP of the Honor Holly 2 Plus however, is its 4000 mAh battery.
Both the smartphones will be available on Flipkart and Amazon. The Honor 5X will be sold via a flash sale model, while the Honor Holly 2 Plus will be available on open sale. Pre-orders for the 5X starts from today and the sale will start from February 1, while sales for Holly 2 Plus will start from February 15. Both the devices come with a 15 month warranty.
Watch Honor 5X First Impressions Video