Had a drunk iPhone mishap? Maybe you can laugh about it

Had a drunk iPhone mishap? Maybe you can laugh about it

YouTuber Above Average knows how to get rid of pesky drunk iPhone mishaps.

Our features editor, Adamya Sharma, explained how humans can be dangerous for smartphones. She explains how her phone fell out of her lap while getting out of the car on the way to a friends place. Many of us suspect she had had a drop too much to drink. After all, by her own admission, it was a Saturday night, ripe for partying right? She has a point though. It happens to the best of us, even when we’ve had nothing more than H2O. Is there a solution though? YouTubers Above Average have a solution, called the “New iPhone D”, an iPhone for when you’re drunk.

It’s basically an iPhone 5 in a rugged shatterproof case, with Siri understanding every drunk word you throw at her and a leash to ensure you don’t drop or lose your phone. No, it’s not real, but it’s a darn good parody to watch. Here’s the video. It's the New iPhone D for drunk a******s.

Maybe Apple should make a note of this. After all, phones break, but it hurts more when an iPhone breaks doesn’t it? Well, the new iPhone 6S is almost water proof and Apple may be working on getting rid of the almost for its next models. We’ll learn more when the time comes. For now, kudos to Above Average on a job well done!

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