Google unveiled the Pixel 8 series last month on 5th September. The Pixel 8 series comes with two smartphones for now: the Google Pixel 8 and the Google Pixel 8 Pro. The smartphones are said to be selling in the Indian markets by next week. While we were still soaking in the launch of two new Pixel 8 series smartphones, the internet has moved on and is talking about the affordable smartphone from the Pixel range- Pixel 8a.
Google is yet to disclose any details on the Google Pixel 8a and if Google’s timeline is to be kept in mind then it might be coming soon either. But as is the trend, the leaks and rumours find their way to the internet first.
Also read: Don’t expect the Google Pixel 8a to wow you with a brand new design
OnLeaks in collaboration with SmartPrix has recently shared a 360-degree video of the Google Pixel 8a that hints at the phone’s design from all angles. Speaking of the design, as is evident from the video, the Pixel 8a only has minor design changes when compared to the Google Pixel 7a. Most of these changes have been focused on the camera island.
On the rear, we get a dual-camera setup. The phone could come with a 6.1-inch flat screen display with 2.5D curved glass and a punch-hole camera design with a small chin at the bottom. From what we can make out, the bezels also look thinner. On top of all this, the Pixel 8a could have a redesigned body with rounder corners unlike the Pixel 7a which has a boxy design. The round corner look has been seen on the Google Pixel 8 series, and it is likely that Google is carrying the same forward.
Also read: Google Pixel 8 costs ₹16k more than Pixel 7 at launch: Here’s how it compares to Samsung Galaxy S23
With the Google logo on the rear, the power button and volume rocker are placed on the right side and the SIM card tray is on the left. On the bottom, you can spot the USB Type-C port and stereo speakers.
The dimensions of the Google Pixel 8a are 152.1 x 72.6 x 8.9mm. The dimensions of the Google Pixel 7a were: 152.4 x 72.9 x 9.0mm. This means that the Google Pixel 8a is going to be slightly smaller, less wide, and slimmer when compared to its predecessor.