Google’s lower-priced Pixel has been rumoured to launch for months. The budget Pixel will be a non-premium device aimed at price-sensitive customers, according to Nikkei Asian Review. The phone is rumoured to be named Pixel 3 Lite and will be aimed majorly at emerging markets like India. The report also claims the phone will be the most affordable Pixel device ever made, and will even undercut the iPhone XR (review) in terms of price, which Apple launched as a budget iPhone in 2018.
Furthermore, the report states Google is also working on expanding its hardware lineup with a smartwatch, to take on the Apple Watch and Samsung’s Galaxy Watch. Going by previous report, Google is planning to launch two budget Pixel devices — The Pixel 3 Lite and the Pixel 3 XL Lite. The Pixel 3 Lite will reportedly come with a Snapdragon 670 SoC under the hood paired with 4GB RAM and 32GB storage. The smaller Pixel 3 Lite will come with a 5.5-inch display while the larger Pixel 3 XL will sport a Snapdragon 710 SoC with a 6-inch panel.
While the phones have been leaked multiple times on the internet, Google is yet to confirm the launch date. Many speculate the phones will be announced in Spring 2019, although other reports claim it could come sometime after Google I/O 2019.
The Nikkei report also mentions Google has plans to launch a new premium phone this year, likely to be the successor to the Pixel 3 (review) launched last year. Google also plans to release new iterations of Google Home speakers, along with wearables and web cameras. There are also reports stating Google hired various chip engineers, indicating plans to develop its own chips for devices one day.
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