Gartner latest global mobiles, ultra-mobiles, PC and tablets sales forecast says that mobile device shipments will increase 4.2 percent in 2014 to reach 2.4 billion units. Gartner predicts that smartphone sales will constitute 88 percent of global mobile phone sales by 2018, up from 66 percent in 2014.
Gartner report forecasts that mobile phones shipments will reach 1.9 billion units in 2014, a 3.1 percent increase from 2013. Tablets sales will slow down in 2014 to 256 million units an increase of 23.9 percent from 2013. Gartner adds that increasing demand in phablets will cause the slowdown in tablet market.
"The next wave of [tablet] adoption will be driven by lower price points rather than superior functionality," Atwal said.
Garnter says that nearly 256 million units of devices like Apple’s iPad, Samsung’s Galaxy Tab and the Kindle Fire will be shipped in 2014 compared with 308 million traditional pc's like netbooks and desktop devices.
The report added that worldwide PC shipments will reach 308 million units in 2014, down slightly from 317.6 million last year, but will pick up in 2015 to reach 317 million units. However, tablet sales will surpass PC sales in 2015.
"2014 will be marked by a relative revival of the global PC market," Gartner Research Director Ranjit Atwal said in a statement. "Business upgrades from Windows XP and the general business replacement cycle will lessen the downward trend, especially in Western Europe. This year, we anticipate nearly 60 million professional PC replacements in mature markets."
The breakdown by OS says that out of the total 2.4 billion units, 1.168 billion are Android devices, followed by Windows which is around 333,419 million, while iOS and OS X devices are 271,115 million units combined.
Source: Techcrunch