It looks like we will soon see Energizer-branded smartphones in India. The company will be showcasing its products at MWC and will detail its plans for India there. It plans to showcase 22 phones, including 12 new products. It should be noted that smartphones are produced under license by Avenir Telecom.
The company has already unveiled a number of smartphones this year and at MWC, it plans to launch a new smartphone called the Power Max P16K Pro. Considering the fact that Energizer is best known as a manufacturer of batteries, it should come as no surprise that the new phone offers a huge battery. A 16000mAh battery to be precise. Besides this, the phone also comes with a 5.99-inch FHD display with an aspect ratio of 18:9. It also offers 6GB RAM along with 128GB inbuilt storage. The company also claims that the smartphone “boasts an ultra slim design.” However, with a battery of that size, it will be interesting to see how slim the phone actually is. Other details of the phone are not yet known.
The company unveiled the Power Max P600S earlier this year. The highlight of the smartphone is a large 4500mAh battery, which the company claims is enough to offer 16 days standby time and 12 hours of use. Besides this, the smartphone sports an 18:9 Full HD display and is powered by a MediaTek Helio P25 SoC. The phone is equipped with a dual-rear camera setup with 13MP+5MP configuration, while at the front is an 8MP camera. The phone is available in 3Gb and 6GB variants.
Besides these two, the phone also offer a bunch of rugged smartphones like the Hardcase H240S feature phone, and the Energy E520 smartphone.