Apple has introduced a new scheme for Indian corporates that will allow them to rent the new iPhone SE 16GB variant at Rs. 999 per month, for two years. The company is also allowing corporates to lease the iPhone 6 16GB and iPhone 6s 16GB at Rs. 1,199 and Rs. 1,399 per month respectively, for two years. In addition, the company announced that the corporate leasing option will be available across all iPhone and iPad models.
The iPhone SE was unveiled during Apple’s event on March 21 and was launched in India on April 8 alongside the 9.7-inch iPad Pro. The 16GB variant of the iPhone SE is priced at Rs. 39,000, while the 64GB variant is priced at Rs. 49,000. The iPhone SE comes with a 4-inch display and is powered by a 64-bit A9 SoC. The phone also comes with a 12MP iSight camera with dual-tone flash. The phone supports 4K video recording, Live Photos, and Apple Pay.