BlackBerry Messenger for iOS waiting for approval for over two weeks now

Updated on 09-Sep-2013

Could be landing on the App Store anytime now.

The patient wait for the BlackBerry Messenger versions for Android and iOS devices should end fairly soon. BlackBerry has confirmed that the BBM version for the iPhone has already been submitted to Apple, two weeks back, for approval. Surprisingly, that process hasn’t been completed yet. The frustration is pretty much apparent, considering app approvals for the App Store usually take around 4 days.

This information was shared by Alex Kinsella, Senior Strategic Account Manager at BlackBerry, via his Twitter account, “Just in case we forgot to mention, BBM for iPhone was submitted for review 2 wks ago. #waiting #BBM4ALL”

It was back in May this year when BlackBerry announced the iOS and Android versions of the BlackBerry Messenger. While no dates were ever announced by the company, speculation always stated that the two versions would be available for download before the end of the summer, which is just a few weeks away.

BlackBerry Messenger will not have an easy task of it though, once the app becomes available for download. There are a whole host of apps that people are already using, including WhatsApp, Skype, FaceBook Messenger and the iOS specific iMessage.

BlackBerry is not mentioning any confirmed dates for the Android version’s release, which has been under “select beta testing” since August this year.

Source: Twitter 


Vishal Mathur

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