Asus has launched its Zenfone Max Pro M1 smartphone in India, which was announced when the company declared a strategic partnership with Flipkart last week. Highlights of the smartphone are its large 5000mAh battery, the new Qualcomm Snapdragon 636 processor and the stock Android operating system. It’s the first device by the company to ditch the ZenUI and come with stock Android Oreo and the company is also promising that the device will receive the next two major Android updates, up to Android Q.
The Asus Zenfone Max Pro M1 will be available via Flipkart exclusively from May 3 in two variants, one with 3GB RAM and 32GB ROM priced at Rs 10,999 and another with 4GB RAM and 64GB ROM, which is priced at Rs 12,999. It will be available for purchase in Deepsea Black and Gray colour models. Asus will also soon announce a 6GB RAM and 64GB ROM variant of the device, which will cost Rs 14,999. The yet to be launched model will come with upgraded 16MP front and rear cameras as well.
For launch offers, Asus has partnered with Vodafone to offer free 10GB of data per month for one year for the Zenfone Max Pro M1 customers. This is valid for both, the telcos prepaid and postpaid users, but prepaid customers will have to perform a recharge worth Rs 199 or above to avail the offer whereas Vodafone RED postpaid users who have opted for Rs 399 and above plan will automatically be eligible to avail the offer. At the time of the sale, customers will also get Rs 1,000 off on exchange with the smartphone on select models, along with a no-cost EMI of up to 12 months on all credit cards and all Bajaj Finserv card holders. Flipkart has also announced its "Complete Mobile Protection" plan, which is said to cover "everything that can go wrong with a phone, except theft." The online retailer will be offering the service for Rs 999 per year but it will be available for Rs 49 with the Asus Zenfone Max Pro M1.
In terms of specifications, the Asus Zenfone Max Pro M1 features a 5.99-inch IPS full HD+ Full View display. The company says that its display comes with Trupallete and Ecopix features, which allow for better colour reproduction and contrast ratio respectively. As mentioned earlier, the device is powered by the Qualcomm Snapdragon 636 SoC with Adreno 509 GPU and packs a 5000mAh battery, which as per Asus, can deliver up to 25.3 hours of full HD video playback and up to 42 hours of 3G talktime. The company claims that the hefty battery can be fully charged in 2 hours and 42 minutes. In the camera department, the Zenfone Max Pro M1 is equipped with a 13MP + 5MP dual rear sensors with “fast” autofocus and on the front, it comes with an 8MP camera. Both the front and rear cameras are supplemented with an LED softlight.
The Asus Zenfone Max Pro M1 comes with a dual SIM slot and a dedicated microSD card slot. It is equipped with 5 magnet speaker and an NXP smart amplifier, which is said to enhance the device’s audio quality. The smartphone also features a rear-mounted fingerprint scanner and supports face unlock feature as well.