Asus has a wide smartphone portfolio in India, with the ROG Phone being the latest added to the lineup. The company has now revealed the name of its phones that will be receiving the Android 9 Pie update and as expected, the ROG phone is on it. Alongside the company’s gaming-centric smartphone, the listing also includes the Zenfone 5Z, Zenfone Max Pro M1, Max Pro M2, and some older phones. However, the company has not provided any specifics, like a date, about when exactly will these handsets be updated. The news comes via the company’s official forum where a forum moderator posted the list.
All the Asus phones that will be updated to Android 9 Pie this year are listed below. Do note that while the Zenfone 5Z and Max Pro M2 are included in the list, the two devices are already running on the latest Android flavour. The Zenfone 5Z is on the stable Android 9 Pie build while the beta Android Pie has been rolled out for the Max Pro M2.
ZenFone 4 Max (ZC554KL)
ZenFone 4 Selfie (ZD553KL)
ZenFone 4 Max (ZC520KL)
ZenFone Live (ZB553KL)
ZenFone4 Max (ZB520KL)
ZenFone Max Plus (M1) Clear Soft Bumper (ZB570TL)
ZenFone 5Q (ZC600KL)
ZenFone Live (L1) Clear Soft Bumper (ZA550KZ / ZA551KL)
ZenFone Max Pro (ZB602KL)
ZenFone Max Pro (ZB601KL)
ZenFone Max (M1) Clear Soft Bumper (ZB555KL / ZB556KL)
ZenFone 5 (ZE620KL)
ZenFone 5Z (ZS620KL)
ASUS ROG Phone (ZS600KL)
ZenFone Max Pro (M2) Clear Soft Bumper (ZB631KL/ ZB630KL)
ZenFone Max (M2) Clear Soft Bumper (ZB633KL / ZB632KL)
Speaking of the Android 9 Pie upgrade, other phone makers are also rushing to roll out the update for their respective handsets. Nokia recently announced that its entry-level Nokia 3.1 smartphone is now receiving the Android 9 Pie update, along with the Nokia 2.1, which being an Android Go device received the Android 9 Pie (Go Edition) update. The Samsung Galaxy Note 8 has also received Android Pie based One UI update in India.
Related Reads:
Nokia 3.1 Plus now receiving Android 9 Pie