Apple’s iPhone AppStore crosses 2 billion downloads

Updated on 29-Sep-2009

While Google is still recovering from the embarrassment of having leading Android developers making a paltry sub $100 a day, Apple’s figures seem to be accelerating. It has now crossed the whopping 2 billion application downloads figure! 

The Apple store now has over 85,000 applications in the store, created by 125,000 developers across the globe.   

At the first anniversary of the Apple Store, merely 3 months ago, Apple declared that the store had seen more than 1.5 billion downloads, having already crossed the 1 billion line less than 12 months before its opening on 23 April.

Steve Jobs commented on this occasion, “The rate of App Store downloads continues to accelerate with users downloading a staggering two billion apps in just over a year, including more than half a billion apps this quarter alone, The App Store has reinvented what you can do with a mobile handheld device, and our users are clearly loving it.”

AppleInsider estimates from an average rate of 4.5 million downloads a day, compared to 4.1 million downloads   a day in its first year. Based on the increase in sales in the few months after its anniversary, the average downloads a day comes to 6.3 million, acceleration indeed!

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