Apple has an announcement to make on June 22nd – is it the iPhone 4G?

Apple has an announcement to make on June 22nd – is it the iPhone 4G?

Rumours abound that the iPhone 4G or iPhone next-gen device would be announced to the world on June 22nd. These rumours are founded on the fact that the very convention centre used by Apple to launch its three previous iterations of the iPhone has been booked by Apple again, at approximately the same time of year. So, unless Apple made the booking to lay people off its trail, we can be reasonably sure that The Yerba Buena Center for Arts in San Francisco will be the venue for the unveiling of the iPhone 4 device on June 22nd.


But as Apple has previously unveiled its iPhones in the beginning of June at the YBCA, some observers feel that this announcement might be for another device. Whatever is true, June 22nd is a day marked on our calendar as well.

Abhinav Lal

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