Adobe demonstrates Flash and Air running ‘flawlessly’ on prototype Android tablet

Adobe demonstrates Flash and Air running ‘flawlessly’ on prototype Android tablet

Adobe Android prototype tablet

At the ongoing Web 2.0 Expo in San Francisco, Adobe showed off Flash and Air on various smartphones (Nexus One, Droid and Palm Pre) and on an Android tablet prototype. Visibly missing from the stall were Apple products, such as the iPhone and iPad.

Videos of the multi-touch prototype in action were posted by Zedomax, who found the tablet to be running Flash and Air “flawlessly”, like Wired’s Air based magazine app, and Flash-based YouTube videos. Check them out for yourself below. They further show how successful the Flash/Air beta was with Android developers.
Adobe Android Phones

The Adobe representative at the stall refused to name the prototype’s manufacturers, but did say that a whole bunch of Android tablets should be expected by November/December this year.

Abhinav Lal

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