99 iPhones weren’t enough for this man to get his girlfriend to marry him

Updated on 12-Nov-2014

A man in China purchased 99 iPhone 6 models to propose to his girlfriend. Failed.

What exactly is the price of love? Well, it definitely isn't equal to 99 iPhone 6 phones. A man in Guanghzou, China, reportedly spent ¥500,000 (approximately $85,000 or Rs. 5,21,000) in buying 99 units of the iPhone 6. He when proceeded to making a giant heart out of them to surprise his would-be bride and ask her hand in marriage. To put the cherry on the cake, he asked a number of his friends to gather around the heart and watch him propose.

You would think such a grand gesture would be enough to get a girl to marry you, but this man would tell you otherwise. According to reports, his girlfriend walked away after having rejected his proposal and left him standing alone and dejected in the middle of the heart made of iPhones.

The incident was first reported by The Nanfang, which also noted that the huge demand for the iPhone 6 should allow the man to sell the devices online and get his money back. Unfortunately though, that was obviously not his first intention.

Source: The Nanfang

Main Image: Weibo

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