YouTube widgets for iOS homescreen lets you search subscriptions quickly: Here’s how

YouTube widgets for iOS homescreen lets you search subscriptions quickly: Here’s how

Correction: The earlier version of the article had mentioned the widgets were meant for iOS lockscreen. But, the newly launched YouTube widget is for the iOS homescreen. 

YouTube has introduced an iPhone home screen widgets to immediately open home, shorts and subscriptions search.

'Quick Actions' is a tool to search and browse the application, reports 9To5Google.

The 'Search YouTube' section at the top instantly opens the UI (user interface) with the active keyboard while the microphone icon brings voice search.

Another widget called 'Search' allows for short text entering, the report said.

Recently, the application had introduced handles, a new way for people to easily find and engage with creators and each other on the Google-owned streaming platform.

Handles appear on channel pages and Shorts so that they will be instantly and consistently recognisable. It is simpler and faster to mention each other in comments, community posts, video descriptions, and more.

"For example, creators can be shouted out in a mention in comments or tagged in the title of a recent collab, helping them increase visibility and reach with new audiences," the company said in a blogpost.

"Handles join channel names as another way to identify a YouTube channel, but unlike channel names, handles are truly unique to each channel so creators can further establish their distinct presence and brand on YouTube," it added.

(Except for the headline and cover image, the rest of this IANS article is un-edited)

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