YouTube goes ahead and cleans up its video page

YouTube goes ahead and cleans up its video page

Don’t be too surprised when you discover your favourite video repository has completely changed its look, removing the clutter and most of the red from its video pages. And no, this is not an April Fool’s Day gag.


YouTube is also being very helpful, giving you brief and detailed tours to choose from to aid you in getting to terms with the new interface, or in their words, the “new video page”, where a lot of clean naked boxes make up the page now, with serene white everywhere.


So, what has changed? Where has everything gone? A list of changes will be found here at the site. Be sure to check it out before you ask where the star ratings have gone. Also find a diagrammatic representation below:

YoutTube video page redesign key
(1) Username , Subscribe button, and “More from User”
(2) Video description ( tags etc.)
(3) Ratings, Favorites / Playlists, and Share options
(4) Data and Statistics from Insight
(5) Video Response
(6) Video Comments 
(7) Respond, rate, and flag comments
(8) Next in series / Up Next Queue
(9) Add to Queue (new version of Quicklist)
(10) Account options

Abhinav Lal

Abhinav Lal View Full Profile