Xiaomi has introduced the Pad 6 successor in the Indian market on Friday with a series of upgrades. Touted as the Xiaomi Pad 7, the tablet offers promising AI features, powerful hardware along with compatible accessories. While the Pad 7 seems to be a promising tablet under Rs 30,000 bracket, let’s find out how it stands in front of the OnePlus Pad 2 in terms of specifications, features and other things.
The OnePlus Pad 2 has a 12.1-inch 3K IPS LCD display with a refresh rate of 144Hz, whereas the Xiaomi Pad 7 has an 11.2-inch LCD 3K display with HDR10 and Dolby Vision support. The OnePlus Pad 2 is powered by the Qualcomm Snapdragon 8 Gen 3 chipset, and the Xiaomi Pad 7 uses the Qualcomm Snapdragon 7+ Gen 3 chipset. The OnePlus Pad 2 is powered by a 9,510mAh battery with 67W fast charging support, while the Xiaomi Pad 7 has an 8,850mAh battery with 45W fast charging. The OnePlus Pad 2 runs OxygenOS 14, whereas the Xiaomi Pad 7 runs Android 15-based HyperOS 2 with various AI features like writing tools, live subtitles, Xiaomi Creation and more.
In terms of camera, both the OnePlus Pad 2 and Xiaomi Pad 7 get the 13MP primary shooter and 8MP selfie camera.
READ: Xiaomi Pad 7 vs Pad 6: Expected price, specifications, features and everything else we know
The Xiaomi Pad 7 is priced at Rs 26,999 for the 8GB+128GB variant, Rs 29,999 for the 12GB+256GB variant, and Rs 31,999. The OnePlus Pad 2 price begins at Rs 39,999 for the 8GB RAM + 128GB storage variant.
With the Xiaomi Pad 7, the customers can also buy the Focus Pen at Rs 5,999 and Focus keyboard at Rs 4,999. All of them will be available on Amazon, official website and other retail channels in the coming weeks.