Windows 8 retail packaging revealed

Windows 8 retail packaging revealed

The Verge has photos of what looks to be the boxed retail packaging for two of Microsoft’s upcoming operating systems, Windows 8 and Windows 8 Pro. Windows RT, meant for ARM-based tablet / netbook devices, will not be available off the shelves.

The packaging features ‘Metro UI’ style (or should we say, ‘New User Interface’ style) Windows 8 logos, with different colour schemes for the two editions.

Heralding Microsoft’s first true attempt at convergence of mobile, desktop, tablet, and entertainment systems, Windows 8 does promise quite a bit, and so far, there has been much consumer interest in the OS, as also evinced by our recent poll. In the meanwhile, a leaked copy of the supposed final version of Windows 8 has also managed to find its way to torrent sites.

Windows 8 is scheduled to hit shelves by October 26, without boxed pricing information, though Microsoft has already detailed its $39.99 limited time upgrade plans for users with licensed XP, Vista and Windows 7 copies. If you end up buying a Windows 7 PC or laptop between June 2012 and January 2013, a Rs. 699 upgrade to Windows 8 will be available.

Source: The Verge

Abhinav Lal

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