Vodafone India has unveiled the Vodafone R206Z, which provides high speed 3G Mobile Wi-Fi for customers on the go. The Vodafone 3G Mobile Wi-Fi offers data transfer speed up to 21.1 Mbps and is available for Rs 2,399. Vodafone has launched the mobile Wi-Fi in 4 metros – Mumbai, Delhi, Kolkata and Chennai and would be launched in a phased manner in other cities in India.
Vodafone stated in a release, that the mobile Wi-Fi allows sharing of a mobile broadband connection with up to 10 users through Wi-Fi. It has a 1500 mAh battery that delivers up to 3.75 hours of usage in one charge. The Mobile Wi-Fi can be used as a Wi-Fi storage hub and offers Micro SD card support with expandable memory of up to 32 GB. The Vodafone R206Z supports WPS (Wi-Fi Protected Set-up) functionality which enables WPS authentication in addition to regular Wi-Fi based authentication for a safer and more secure browsing experience for users. The Vodafone 3G Mobile WiFi comes bundled with a charger and a USB cable in the box.
Commenting on the launch, Vivek Mathur, Chief Commercial Officer, Vodafone India said, "At Vodafone, we always seek to provide the best products and services at great value for money, to our customers. The launch of Vodafone 3G Mobile Wi-Fi is well timed to meet the demand for high speed mobile data services and will further enhance our 3G offerings in the market."
Vodafone had recently launched a new post-paid plan for retail and enterprise customers called Vodafone Red. The telecom operator stated that the plan offers a comprehensive solution for users. Also Read: Vodafone hikes mobile Internet rates for PAYG 2G and 3G users