Use Sticky Notes With Windows
STEP 1. What Do You Need?
You just need Windows XP, though this trick can also be done on other Windows versions with a slight change in approach. The idea here is to use Windows’ long file names to our advantage.
Step 2. Creating Your Own File Type
Since we’re going to create a reminder note tool, it would be nice if we had a different file type. Open any explorer window, say ‘My Computer’. Click on ‘Tools’ > ‘Folder options’. Choose the ‘File types’ tab and hit the ‘New’ button to create a file extension. Type in ‘rdme’ (short for “Remind Me”, of course) in the ‘Create new extension’ window, and hit [Enter].
Use Folder Options to create a file type-an extension for “Remind Me”
STEP 3. Assigning An Action And An Application
In the same ‘Folder options’ menu, with ‘RDME’ selected, click ‘Advanced’. This will open the ‘Edit File Type’ window; click the ‘New’ button to assign an action and an application for the tool we are creating. Under ‘Action’, type in “open”, and under ‘Application used to perform action’, type in “notepad.exe” and then click ‘OK’ to close the window.
STEP 4. Selecting An Icon
The ‘Edit File Type’ window is already open; click ‘Change Icon’ and choose any of the icons that you feel resembles a sticky note. For this example, we chose the 28th icon on the 3rd row, which looks like a few papers pinned at the top left corner.
Select an icon that resembles sticky notes
Once you’ve chosen the icon, type in “Remind Me” in the text box just before the ‘Change Icon’ button. Click ‘OK’ and close all open windows one after the other.
STEP 5. Creating The Required Registry Values
Open the Registry Editor. Collapse HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT and right-click on ‘.rdme’. Select New > Key and type in “ShellNew”. Let ‘ShellNew’ be selected on the left pane; on the right pane, right-click to select New > String Value and type in “NullFile”. Exit the Registry Editor. Right-clicking on free space anywhere in Explorer or on the desktop will show up ‘Remind Me’ under ‘New’.
STEP 6. Using “Remind Me”
Let’s consider that your mom is after you to go to the market, and you assure her you’ll go a little later. So, you right-click on the desktop and choose ‘Remind Me’ under ‘New’. This creates the icon we chose on the desktop, allowing you to type in something-you type in “Go to market to buy groceries… see list.” You can type the list of groceries in the Notepad window that opens on double-clicking the reminder note.
You can now choose ‘Remind Me’ under ‘New’ to add reminder notes!
In the above, we have actually created a Notepad file to open for a user-created extension (.rdme), and then we gave an icon to our so called app-and also listed it in the registry so we can access it with a right-click.
A few ‘Remind Me’ notes stuck on the desktop reminding you of things to do. Clicking ‘Go to market’ shows the grocery list you entered earlier in Notepad
The short reminder note you type in is actually a file name- thanks to Windows for allowing long file names! Who needs third-party software for something so simple!