Twitter updates lists feature, allows users to create up to 1,000 lists

Updated on 31-May-2013

Previously, users could create 20 lists with each list accommodating 500 accounts.

Twitter has announced a major update to its Twitter lists, allowing users to make up to 1,000 lists – a significant increase from the previous 20. Moreover, the updated Twitter lists now can include up to 5,000 accounts (up from 500).

Twitter had rolled out its lists feature in 2009. The feature allowed users to group Twitter accounts for easy filtration. The lists are public by default though users have option to create private ones as well. Other users can subscribe to any public list if they are interested.

As said before, Twitter earlier allowed only 20 lists to be created per user, with each one limited to 500 accounts. Though this feature seemed suitable for most users, there are many others who have wanted the list to be expanded and have even voiced their demands on Twitter’s forum. The expansion is certainly going to please the power Twitter users.

The update to Twitter lists come soon after the micro-blogging site rolled out two-step authentication system to make users accounts more secure. Though the two-step verification does not full security, it does makes it tough for hackers to compromise Twitter accounts.

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