Twitter unintentionally resets passwords of large number of accounts

Updated on 09-Nov-2012

A number of Twitter users have received e-mails asking them to change the password for their accounts, since it may have been compromised. While it is not known how many accounts were sent these reset mails, by the posts on the network it seems to be a fairly large-scale issue.

After the outcry on the social network itself, Twitter posted an update that apologizes and says, “In this case, we unintentionally reset passwords of a larger number of accounts, beyond those that we believed to have been compromised. We apologize for any inconvenience or confusion this may have caused.”

It is a general practice followed by the San Francisco based social network to ask certain users to reset passwords if the account shows any indications of having been compromised or hacked. Still no work from Twitter on how many accounts have been affected.

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Vishal Mathur

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