Twitter teams up with Vizify to launch new ‘FollowMe’ service

Updated on 14-Jun-2013

Here's how you can capture your Twitter style in an innovative highlight reel:

Twitter has introduced a new feature called #FollowMe that allows users to create short highlight reels, including their finest tweets, pics and Vine clips. Twitter has teamed up with Vizify to launch #FollowMe reels, which are said to be based on HTML5.

“We’ve teamed up with Vizify to bring you #FollowMe, a new way for everyone on Twitter to make instant highlight videos of their best photos, Vine videos, Tweets, topics and followers. You’ll find out if you’re a nightowl or an early bird, discover your most engaged followers, and feature your most popular Tweets. All set to music,” Twitter announces in a post.

Twitter has already posted some examples of #FollowMe clips, featuring NBA stars Kobe Bryant and Steven Curry, as well as star of the TV show Glee, Amber Riley.

To get started with Twitter’s #FollowMe, you need to log in to Vizify, which will ask you o authorize Vizify to access your Twitter account. Once Vizify has made your video, you can change the music or choose different elements (photos, Vine videos, Tweets). Check “Add to my Twitter bio”.

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