Twitter rolls-out new automatic link shortening service on its website

Twitter rolls-out new automatic link shortening service on its website

Twitter has rolled out an automatic version of its URL shortening service, which will allow its users to paste a URL of any length in their tweets via the company’s website, without worrying that it will exceed the tweet’s 140-character limit.

According to a Twitter’s support page:

“After you’ve composed your Tweet and you hit the “Tweet” button, we’ll shorten the link so that it only takes up 19 characters…You no longer have to worry about fitting a long link into the 140 character limit.”

[RELATED_ARTICLE]After entering 13 characters of a URL, the user will be prompted that the URL will be shortened, and even after the 140-character limit is reached, users can continue to insert URL text. After the tweet button is pressed, the URL will be given the link shortened ID, but, will appear as a shortened but recognizable version of the original URL, so that readers can look before they leap.

Twitter will also check any inserted URL against a database of dangerous sites, and, if detected, warn the user when they are adding it to their message.

Initially, the service will be available in only a few territories, but will be rolled out globally soon.

Abhinav Lal

Abhinav Lal View Full Profile